How to connect with a recruiter on LinkedIn (LinkedIn 101)

LinkedIn is a social networking site that provides a Recruiter for finding and connecting with candidates. It is a very professional place for the students to find their dream job. Keep reading to find out how to connect with a recruiter on LinkedIn.

Sometimes, candidates find difficulty in connecting with recruiters. The main problem is choosing the right recruiter as there are so many recruiters in the market. 

Approach the recruiter in a very polite way. Send the message to the recruiter explaining your experience, skills, and capabilities. Ask him about the company and the skills he is searching for in the candidates required for the company.

How to connect with a recruiter on LinkedIn?

Following points that will be beneficial for you to connect with a recruiter on LinkedIn:

  • Adding recruiters to your network by sending a connection request can be a slight step towards this. You can also search by employee name. 
  • Try to become more visible on LinkedIn. There are many groups that LinkedIn provides. Choose the group according to your profession, education, or industry. Share the updated news of your group in your post on LinkedIn, Twitter, or any other social platform to show your professional visibility. 
  • Use keywords to describe your skills and achievements in your profile. If you are holding any title, mention it in your profile.
  • Update your contact info at the top of your profile “See contact info” in your profile’s “Introduction Card”. To your contact info column in your profile, you can add the address, phone number, email, etc. 
  • LinkedIn is a place that provides a suitable place to make contacts. Try to build strong connections with the people on LinkedIn. 

How to Network with Recruiters on LinkedIn?

How to Network with Recruiters on LinkedIn?

Linkedin acts as a bridge between recruiter and recruits. LinkedIn also connects you directly with the recruiter when you are actively searching for a job.

Networking with the recruiters has many advantages. Reach out to the recruiters personally and talk in a very polite and professional way.

It also helps to gain more knowledge as you connect with many people. 

It is very tough to land the job you are interested in; you need to notify the recruiter. There are some steps through which you can attract the recruiter:

Create a strong profile, keep your bio short but impactful, summarize your skills and experience. Keep your profile professional, and do not make grammatical mistakes. Share your achievements, courses that you had done, certificates of participation in the events in your profile. Keep your profile updated.

As of now, you have created your profile and even applied for the job. Now you need to reach out to the recruiter for that; there are the following steps:

  1. Send a connection request to the recruiter. Before sending requests, you need to collect all the information about the company.
  2. Send an introductory message. Introduce yourself briefly, tell recruiters about your goals, achievements, and skills.
  3. Share your professional network with the recruiter. Tell him that you have many connections with people in the industry. 
  4. Networking is not only about making connections with the recruiter; even if you don’t find your dream job, don’t lose contact with the recruiter. It may benefit you in the future. Drop a message weekly to ensure that you are still interested. Keep your profile updated constantly.

Also, read our other blog what-does-grade-mean-on-LinkedIn

Is it OK to ask a recruiter to connect on LinkedIn?

Is it OK to ask a recruiter to connect on LinkedIn?

Absolutely yes! You can ask a recruiter to connect on LinkedIn. If you are genuinely interested in the company and the role they are searching for, it’s a great idea to do so. One benefit of connecting to the recruiter is keeping the door open for future opportunities.

Before sending a request, follow these points: 

  1. Follow the company of your preference and update the news and events happening in that company.
  2. Review your profile before connecting. Many recruiters view your profile to see your activity or post.
  3. After connecting, send a personalized message to the recruiter telling about yourselves.

How to find recruiters on LinkedIn?

How to find recruiters on LinkedIn?

Having an impressive profile is a great start. To maximize your chance of getting the job, try to connect to the following recruiter:

Finding an external recruiter

The external recruiter works independently. They serve for an industry or job function. You can search “recruiter” in the search bar to find a recruiter.

Finding an internal recruiter

Some companies have their internal recruiter to show candidates to hiring managers to fill their company’s desired role.

Personalize your connection request

Instead of just connecting with the recruiter, tell him why you sent him a connection request. Briefly tell him about the roles which you want.

How to Network with Recruiters on LinkedIn Without Acting Desperate?

I have found that hiring managers can find desperation in candidates easily. If you appear too willingly, recruiters move in the opposite direction. So, I have five ways in which you can connect with a recruiter without acting desperate:

To gain the recruiter’s interest, always be ready with your documents related to your job. Update your profile constantly. Check out the profile strength barometer, and once you get 5-star, you are done strengthening your profile.

Always use the exact words which describe yourself. Also, avoid the repetition of words. 

Always check who “viewed your profile”. First of all, check where your profile viewers are located, in which company they work. Check whether they are the right people, which you are targeting. Make suitable changes in your profile according to it. And then check if you are getting the correct views or not.

Try to build a significant connection on Linkedin. People with more connections have more offers. If you are concerned about privacy, remember you are not letting your connections see your Facebook or Instagram pictures. And if you have any other kind of problems, you can easily report them.

Join various groups on LinkedIn, especially those related to your profession. Stay tuned with those groups. Also, share the news posted in that group with your connections.


There are lots of ways in which we connect to the recruiter. Try to be polite and professional with them. Always be the real you in front of the recruiters. Make your profile attractive and updated. Build strong connections on LinkedIn. 

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