How to make an Engineering Portfolio (What to add to portfolio)

Don’t have a engineering portfolio? According to few recent studies, having a portfolio increases the chances of you landing the job by 76%. They also suggested in some cases having a portfolio looked professional and responsible and thus people with portfolio generally get are offered better salaries.
Don’t worry i will take you through how to make a killer engineering portfolio, what to add to it and why you should have one at the first place.

What is a Portfolio for Engineering?

What is a engineering portfolio

The discipline of Portfolio Engineering uses asset allocation models (as well as derivatives strategies and models) to create synthetic portfolios for enhancing yield. To be fair, this is not science itself. It is purely engineering. The discipline itself takes in mathematical tools of computational finance and portfolio theory and then designs processes and methods to construct artificial portfolios to improve the market’s rate of return.

So, ultimately Engineering portfolios are an excellent way to communicate your past experience more fully.

How to make an Engineering Portfolio

  Here a few steps by step processes are given for creating Engineering Portfolios:

  1. Forget about the Industrial design and architecture portfolios. Those are all flashy images and just nothing else.
  2. Create using making it in slides or PowerPoint, and export to PDF.
  3. Be sure that you are presenting the 2-3 projects that best showcase your skills.
  4. Pick or select the photos that best show what you have previously worked on.
  5. Keep in mind always that it’s an Engineering Presentation. It doesn’t need to be pretty(it doesn’t hurt but focus on the content only).
  6. Actually, it’s a portal into your world of creativity and Engineering so present it in the best way.
  7. A portfolio can be a conversation piece with recruiters, hiring managers, and other engineers during a job interview.
  8. You can mention a link to a blog that you maintain that documents your thought processes and writing skills.

What to add in Engineering Portfolio

What to add in a engineering portfolio

Present the work samples that effectively communicate the range of experience you have, including any specific technical skills. The main goal should be that we should always try to expand and speak on our own experiences and process.

Example: An Electrical Engineer’s portfolio may include a small motor he built. Allow the details of your Engineering Speciality to dictate the best manner of demonstrating your work.

Engineering and Architectural portfolio highlight strategic accomplishment, prototype design, and completed works. They may include photos, blueprints, and design photos highlighting how you constructed the project from beginning to end.

Also read: What to include in a Graphic Design Portfolio [2022]

Should I have an Engineering Portfolio

Should I have an engineering portfolio

As an Engineering Professional, having a project portfolio on hand can increase your Job opportunity. Recalling every project you have earlier worked on and its outcome can be next to impossible, but after assembling a portfolio, you will have key information about your most important projects at your fingertips.

It is essential to have an Engineering portfolio as it is equally important as a CV. AA job contains critical skills, previous achievements, and experiences that are fundamental to getting selected in an interview.

7 Engineering Portfolios examples

1)Mechanical Engineering Portfolios:

  • Highlight your most relevant work.
  • Includes 3-4 Diverse projects that cover your technical skills as an Engineer.
  • Tell a short story Journey of your as a capable and experienced candidate.

— You may start writing Your Portfolio like as–

“Welcome, and Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio.

This portfolio aims to give you a deeper insight into the experiences and skills I have gained over my recent history.

As a Mechanical Engineer, I have Made some great Interesting instruments required in the Automobile Industry. I also have Certificates on various Govt Recognized Institutions regarding the Instruments. There’s also my Thesis papers on Mechanical Issues relating to today’s world. I will present before you a PPT presentation in which every detail is inserted. 

2)Electrical Engineering portfolio:

An Electrical Engineer’s portfolio must include about the Small or large Electrical Machines they might have made during his Graduation or any Important papers relating to his studies.

Above all, you should demonstrate absolute confidence in your Electrical engineering abilities. Keep in mind that Properly presented technical skills will get you interviewed. But Electrical engineers rarely work in isolation. You should mention if you have any skills in C/C++, Python, Java, Matlab, Electrical/PCB design software – Cadence/ or CAD Microstation, AutoCAD, etc., any Prototyping and testing Circuits and Electronic components.

3)Computer Science Engineering Portfolio Example:

Unlike other Engineering fields, the equipment that you need to work wonders as a Computer Engineer is at your Closest disposal your PC and www. When you start writing your portfolio, you should keep in mind that people would want to know what you have done in the past. Moreover, to make your portfolio more attractive please go through the below-mentioned example –

Hello, I am ___. I am a graduate student from this University, and I am very much pleased that I have got a chance to introduce you through my portfolio. I have previously done internships at these Institutions, and I have research papers too. Now through your Intelligent eyes, please take a look through my papers on which my Known Programming skills are mentioned. I, too, have a small and brief slide show presentation on my works.

4)Civil Engineering Portfolio Example: 

Civil Engineering is generally regarded as a Society Building Engineering, but it is more than that. It includes many branches of Engineering like Construction, Plans of Industries, Concept making etc. Civil Engineering portfolio must consist of experiences and technical skills so that the Hiring team Manager will appreciate your work. The maximum number of Jobs are available in this Branch of Engineering only. While writing a portfolio as a Civil Engineer, You must remember that you try to mention the following way:

  • First, write about your education.
  • Then your experience during the course.
  • Mention the work carried and university projects you have participated in.
  • Add your Sketching and Measurement skills too.

5)Automobile Engineering Portfolio Example:

An Automobile Engineers portfolio may include about all the vehicles, whether electric ones or Fuel Vehicles they have worked on.

So to make an Automobile Engineer’s Portfolio, you must keep the following things in mind to get better Job Interviews:

  • Firstly, mention your University/institution’s name from which you have done the course.
  • Next, mention the Level of penetration of knowledge you have on any Automobile it may be.
  • Don’t forget to mention the name of The Vehicle makers name under which you have done your exploration and Experiments and Practical works too.
  • Also, make a PPT video while working on a Vehicle with full details.

6)Chemical Engineering Portfolio Example:

Chemical Engineering refers to working and experiences in Various fields of Chemical Sciences, experiments, discoveries, testing, Fluids checking, Testing impurities and mixtures etc.

To write a Good Portfolio as a Chemical Engineer, we may need the following sequence–

You may first tell about your Subjects During the Chemical Engineering course. You then speak about the advantages of each branch of Chemical Engineering in today’s world. Then mention the experiments you have done and their excellent results. Moreover, also say about the future aspects of it if we go ahead with unique life-saving experiments and check the purity of various materials and their compositions.

7)Artificial and Machine Learning Portfolio Example:

AI and Machine Learning is the new era of the developing and Modern world. It is now included in every field of Science and Technology Resources. Human resources are now converted to Machine Power with the help of these. A data science portfolio is crucial for engineers.

Research indicates that 72% of the public uses some internet-based life. You could enhance your portfolio by using some deep learning techniques in Sports and Games like 3D-CNN ( three dimensions convolution networks), LSTM ( Long short term memory networks), and also through Machine Learning Algorithms by dividing the video into different sections and then applying SVM ( Support Vector Machines), NN( Neural Networks) and k- means Algorithms. Also, you could consult a Data Scientist to start a project and mention them too.


Engineering Portfolios should demonstrate how you applied your learnings and experiences to a specific project you worked on at a previous job, during an internship, etc. You could create Unique PowerPoint presentations to elaborate. You could use Wix, Weebly, or WordPress to build a website.

The information in your portfolio will ultimately depend on the position you are applying for, what career move you’re making etc. When presenting the portfolio during an interview, make sure you showcase relevant work in your interview. So good luck and put your best efforts to create the Best Portfolio ever.

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